
David Strang, Learning by Example: Imitation and Innovation at a Global Bank. Princeton University Press, 2010.

David Strang, "School and super-school." Pp. 419-24 in F. Dobbin and C.B. Schoonhoven, eds., Stanford�s Organizational Theory Renaissance, 1970-2000. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 28. Emerald, 2010.

Mary C. Still and David Strang, "Who does an elite organization emulate?" Administrative Science Quarterly 59 (2009): 58-89.

Bogdan Ion Vasi and David Strang, "Civil liberty in America: the diffusion of municipal Bill of Rights resolutions after the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act." American Journal of Sociology 114 (2009): 1716-64.

Michael Lounsbury and David Strang, 2009. "Social entrepreneurship: success stories and logic construction." Pp. 71-94 in D. Hammack and S. Heydemann, Globalization, Philanthropy and Civil Society: Projecting Philanthropic Logics Abroad. Indiana University Press: Bloomington IN.

David Strang and Dong-Il Jung, "Participatory improvement at a global bank: the diffusion of quality teams and the demise of a six sigma initiative." Organizational Studies 30 (2009): 35-57.

Chang Kil Lee and David Strang, "The international diffusion of public-sector downsizing: network emulation and theory-driven learning." International Organization 60 (2006): 883-909.

David Strang and Mary C. Still, "Does ambiguity promote imitation, or hinder it? an empirical study of benchmarking teams." European Management Review 3 (2006): 101-12.

Robert David and David Strang, "When fashion is fleeting: transitory collective beliefs and the dynamics of TQM consulting." Academy of Management Journal 49 (2006): 215-33.

David Strang and Dong-Il Jung, "Organizational Change as an Orchestrated Social Movement: Recruitment to a Quality Initiative." In G.F. Davis, D. McAdam, W.R. Scott, and M.N. Zald, eds., Social Movements and Organization Theory. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

David Strang and Mary C. Still, "In Search of the Elite: Revising a Model of Adaptive Emulation with Evidence from Benchmarking Teams." Industrial and Corporate Change 13 (2004): 309-33.

David Strang and Young-Mi Kim, "Diffusion and Domestication of Managerial Innovations: The Spread of Scientific Management, Quality Circles, and TQM between the United States and Japan." Pp. 177-99 in S. Ackroyd, P. Thompson, P. Tolbert and R. Batt, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization. Oxford University Press, 2004.

David Strang, "The Diffusion of TQM within a Global Bank." Pp. 275-93 in J.A.C. Baum and O. Sorensen, eds., Geography and Strategy - Advances in Strategic Management 20. Elsevier/JAI Press, 2003.

Mary C. Still and David Strang, "Institutionalizing Family-Friendly Policies." Pp. 288-309 in P. Moen, ed., Its About Time: Couples and Careers. Cornell/ILR Press, 2003.

David Strang and Michael W. Macy, "In Search of Excellence: Fads, Success Stories, and Adaptive Emulation." American Journal of Sociology 107 (2001): 147-82.

Henrich R. Greve, Nancy B. Tuma, and David Strang, "Estimation of Diffusion Processes from Incomplete Data: A Simulation Study." Sociological Methods and Research, 29 (2001): 435-67.

David Strang and Ellen M. Bradburn, "Theorizing Legitimacy or Legitimating Theory? Neoliberal Discourse and HMO Policy, 1970-89." Pp. 129-58 in J.L. Campbell and O. Pedersen, eds., The Rise of Neoliberalism and Institutional Analysis. Princeton University Press, 2001.

David Strang and Wesley D. Sine, "Inter-Organizational Institutions." Pp. 497-519 in J.A.C. Baum, ed., Companion to Organizations. Blackwell, 2001.

Michael W. Macy and David Strang, "Dedicated Followers of Success: A Computational Model of Fashionable Innovation." Pp. 93-118 in A. Lomi and E. Larsen, eds., Simulating Organizational Societies: Theories, Models and Ideas. MIT Press, 2001.

David Strang and Sarah A. Soule, "Diffusion in Organizations and Social Movements: From Hybrid Corn to Poison Pills." Annual Review of Sociology 24 (1998): 265-90.

Victor Nee and David Strang, "The Emergence and Diffusion of Institutional Forms." Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 154 (1998): 706-15.

David Strang, "Contested Sovereignty: The Social Construction of Colonial Imperialism." Pp. 22-49 in C. Weber and T. Biersteker, eds., State Sovereignty as Social Construct. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Henrich R. Greve, David Strang, and Nancy B. Tuma, "Specification and Estimation of Heterogeneous Diffusion Models." Pp. 377-420 in P.V. Marsden, ed., Sociological Methodology 1995. Oxford: Blackwell.

David Strang, "Health Maintenance Organizations." Pp. 163-82 in G.R. Carroll and M.T. Hannan, eds., Organizations in Industry: Strategy, Structure, and Selection. Oxford University Press, 1995.

David Strang, "Institutional Accounts of Organizations as a Form of Structural Analysis." Pp. 151-74 in C. Prendergast and J.D. Knottnerus, eds., Recent Developments in the Theory of Social Structure. JAI Press, 1994.

David Strang, "British and French Political Institutions and the Patterning of Decolonization." Pp. 278-95 in T. Janoski and A. Hicks, eds., The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State: New Methodologies and Approaches. Cambridge University Press, 1994.

David Strang, "Introduction to Event History Methods." Pp. 245-53 in T. Janoski and A. Hicks, eds., The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State: New Methodologies and Approaches. Cambridge University Press, 1994.

David Strang and Nancy B. Tuma, "Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity in Diffusion." American Journal of Sociology 99 (1993): 614-39.

David Strang and John W. Meyer, "Institutional Conditions for Diffusion." Theory and Society 22 (1993): 487-511.

David Strang and Patricia M.Y. Chang, "The International Labour Organisation and the Welfare State: Institutional Effects on National Welfare Spending, 1960-80." International Organization 47 (1993): 235- 62.

David Strang, "The Inner Incompatibility of Empire and Nation: Popular Sovereignty and Decolonization." Sociological Perspectives 35 (1992): 367-84.

David Strang, "Global Patterns of Decolonization 1500-1987." International Studies Quarterly 35 (1991): 429-54.

David Strang, "Anomaly and Commonplace in European Political Expansion: Realist and Institutional Accounts." International Organization 45 (1991): 143-62.

David Strang, "Adding Social Structure to Diffusion Models: An Event-History Framework." Sociological Methods and Research 19 (1991): 324-53.

David Strang, "From Dependency to Sovereignty: An Event History Analysis of Decolonization 1870-1987." American Sociological Review 55 (1990): 846-60.

David Strang and James N. Baron, "Categorical Imperatives: The Structure of Job Titles in California State Agencies." American Sociological Review 55 (1990): 479-95.

Yasemin Nuhoglu Soysal and David Strang, "Construction of the First Mass Education Systems in Nineteenth Century Europe." Sociology of Education 62 (1989): 277-88.

John W. Meyer, W. Richard Scott, David Strang, and Andrew L. Creighton, "Bureaucratization Without Centralization: Changes in the Organizational System of American Education, 1940-1980." Pp. 139-68 in L.G. Zucker, ed., Institutional Patterns and Organizations: Culture and Environment. Ballinger, 1988.

David Strang, "The Administrative Transformation of American Education: School District Consolidation 1938-1980." Administrative Science Quarterly 32 (1987): 352-66.

John W. Meyer, W. Richard Scott, and David Strang, "Centralization, Fragmentation, and School District Complexity." Administrative Science Quarterly 32 (1987): 186-201.

Working Papers and Technical Reports

David Strang, "Cheap Talk: Managerial Discourse on Quality Circles as an Organizational Innovation." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, 1997.

David Strang, "Inducing a Network Influence Structure from Multiple Diffusion Processes." Technical Report 96-1, Department of Sociology, Cornell University, 1996.